Sunday, March 18, 2007

Something about myself

Currently, I’m student at RMIT University, studying about Design (Multimedia). Obsessed by visual graphical, multimedia presentation surrounding me everyday, I really like multimedia. Multimedia has wide range of aspects to present, consider or we can combine them all into a neat, cohesive product (movie is a perfect example). Before enrolling to University, my concept about Design or Multimedia is to create something with eye candy effect to impress viewers at the first time. Surfing web is the most effective way to know the recent style in designing. I am firstly impressed by the colorful, special effect websites (especially in movie website), but sometimes I wonder: Is that all we need?

Spending more than 4 semesters in RMIT, I recognize by myself that it is easily to get bored by something, even the something beautiful. Just looking some movie website published recently, they mostly have the same navigation with the same name. The graphic is always great as ever, but I never come back after downloading some wallpapers. Is that the result that website developer targeting? Maybe it is true, viewers jest need to visit it once to know the ‘face’ the film.

At RMIT, I am taught that there’s difference between the graphic and content; that there’s not only designing graphic but also designing content, structure , layout, information, or simply to conclude: designing experience. (I also mean the usability in designing a website)

According Wikipedia, experience is knowledge or skill in some event gained through involvement in that event. Simply, you can ask yourself, what result you get after that event, is it brand new or you have seen it before, is your feeling refreshed to perceive a brand new experience ?

I am learning about experience, not only about website but experience is applied for everything that can be designed by human, however, I only focus on multimedia, not only websites. Hopefully, this will be an experienced ride.

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